Wednesday 24 October 2012

I'm back

Ok, so I'm back with my blogs as well so I'm trying to do everything I can for you guys to let you what I'm up to, what I'm doing, thinking etc. I'm doing this here because Twitter obviously only restricts you to that 140 characters. Here its an entire blog, I could post whole reports I write on my thoughts of games, which is something I've been thinking of doing.

I'd love to be able to review games but I don't know if you guys would like that or not Not only that, I'm pretty sure it would end up being pretty much the same for every one. "I love this game, I can't think of anything that the developers should have changed and I can't understand why people hate this game" But in fairness I'd like to do something like Borderlands, I know I'm not that far into it but I'd love to review that game. I  love it but there are some things that I don't like about the game that I could write a huge amount about.

Anyway, I just woke up so I'm gonna go grab some breakfast, I'll see you around.

Have yourselves a nice day

Moax Lycan

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